Lightly toned and well centered
Los 1927
Man. Acilius Glabrio, 49 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 4.00 g, 5 h), Rome. SALVTIS Head of Salus to right, wearing laurel wreath, pendant earring and pearl necklace. Rev. MN•ACILIVS - III•VIR•VALETV Valetudo standing front, head to left, holding serpent in her right hand and leaning left elbow on column. Babelon (Acilia) 8. Crawford 442/1a. RBW 1556. Sydenham 922. Lightly toned and well centered. Nearly extremely fine.

From the collection of Martinus J. L. Janssen, ex Teutoburger 136, 31 May 2021, 517.

The depictions of Salus and Valetudo, references to good health, reflect a desire for stabilization. This coin was struck at the time that Caesar and the Roman Senate were in dispute about the former's tenure as governor of Gaul. Caesar's term was set to expire, but he knew that upon his return to Rome he would be subject to unrelenting prosecution from his enemies, so he was on course to refuse the laying down of his governorship. Civil war was looming, and the atmosphere was tense. It was then, in a political maneuver prompted by Caesar, that one of his protégés, the tribune Curio, suggested that both Caesar and Pompey lay down their commands together, a move that Caesar knew Pompey would refuse, thus providing him the justification to keep his command in Gaul. However, while all this was occurring, Pompey fell gravely ill and was close to death. It was viewed as a miracle when he recovered, and there was great rejoicing. It would seem that the types of this coin reflect a desire for both the healing of the Republic as well as a full recovery of Pompey.
75 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Mar-25, 15:27:00 CET
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